Reports of men approaching children in an Exeter park unsettle residents. Police are investigating the incident.

Police visited Loram Way on Thursday to talk to locals and offer support. They promised more presence in the area and are gathering more details. Police arrested four men related to the incident.
Residents told the news it made them uneasy. One mom feels disturbed, saying the area is generally peaceful. She’d rethink taking her child there, especially since the park is very popular, especially after school.
A local man said crime is now normal, having lived there for several years. Alphington has grown a lot recently, with many new houses appearing in the area too.
A woman thinks new houses cause the problems. She believes the area’s character is changing and feels the place is becoming too crowded.
Police got a call on Tuesday at 5:15 PM about suspicious men talking to kids from two cars. Following the call, they arrested four men.
Two men are from Exeter, ages 46 and 44. Another man is 36, and he is from Topsham. The last man, age 50, is from Torquay. All the men are currently in custody.
An officer named Neil Lloyd gave a statement as reassurance; while they are aware people are concerned, these things rarely happen. He wants anyone with concerns to talk to the police, who plan on being in the area more.
Police need information from people and want to talk to witnesses. They are also looking for CCTV and dashcam footage. If you have info, call 101, using reference number 60250049271.