Roadwork on the B1027 lacked permits, says a new report. This road work is where a motorcyclist died in 2022.

Road work caused traffic. Mr. Collingridge stopped suddenly because of it, as Hatton Traffic Management set up the lights for Affinity Water. He lost control and was hit by a car.
The coroner, Sonia Hayes, wrote a report. She said the road work lacked a permit and was done overnight. She fears more deaths without changes, mentioning some road markings were also too short.
Hayes mentioned dark road work calculation issues. She referenced the Street Works Code, noting a sign that blocked traffic visibility at a junction joining the main road.
Hayes stated this sign did not cause the accident, but it still broke the code. Affinity Water expressed their sympathies and support the investigation fully.
Affinity Water will work with authorities to improve road safety. They are committed to high safety standards. Hatton Traffic Management and Essex County Council were asked for comments.