A woman confronted quad bikers damaging a youth football pitch in Edinburgh’s Saughton Park, risking a youth tournament.

Sue was going to see her horse that day when she noticed the teens driving recklessly and doing donuts on the grass. Sue filmed them and told them to stop. The quad bike riders circled Sue and sprayed her with mud.
Sue felt upset about the park’s damage. She said she walks through the park often and thought they’d leave. But they didn’t care about the damage, and she was angry about them ruining the park. She thought they were in their late teens.
The damage might affect a football event. Hutchison Vale Football Club might need a new plan because they have a youth tournament on Saturday, February 22. Tam Smith, chairman for Hutchison Vale, said the damage makes the field unplayable. Small children were supposed to play there, and they may have to cancel their games.
Edinburgh Live reported another quad bike incident in the Meadows area, where teens tore up the grass too. This happened early on February 20. Police Scotland knew about the Saughton Park incident and received a report around 8:50 am. Officers went to the park, but the vehicles were gone.