Liza Telfer is banned from owning animals. She starved a dog to death and neglected two others in Edinburgh.

Telfer also left Lady and Yogi in the same poor living conditions. Rescuers found matted coats on Lady and Yogi, and the surviving dogs had damaged teeth. Both dogs were severely underweight, making it a very bad situation.
The horrible details were shared in court at Edinburgh Sheriff Court. Telfer admitted to animal cruelty on February 27, involving three separate charges.
A prosecutor said the Scottish SPCA received a tip from a neighbor who saw the dogs alone. They were left at a home in Edinburgh in November 2023. Inspectors visited several times and left cards asking Telfer to call.
Eventually, inspectors entered the home to find broken windows and appalling conditions inside. They noted a horrible smell and found a female dog dead inside. An autopsy showed she starved and suffered organ failure.
The prosecutor described the scene further, saying furniture was broken and piled high, and dogs chewed on doors, even chewing off the door handles. Dog feces was everywhere in the home, which also had no electricity, and inspectors even found a dead rat in the toilet.
Telfer initially lied to the charity, refusing to say where the other dogs were. When found, Lady and Yogi were underweight and suffered from malnutrition.
Telfer’s lawyer said she was sorry and feels regret about the dead dog. He agreed with disqualifying her from owning animals but noted she works as a cleaner and wants to keep that job.
Sheriff John Cook spoke about the offense, calling it very concerning. He pointed to Telfer’s own vulnerabilities but chose not to impose jail time.
The Sheriff placed Telfer under supervision for 18 months via social services. He banned her from owning animals for life, with the events occurring between September and November 2023.
Telfer admitted she caused unnecessary suffering by failing to provide food and water, leading to Bonnie’s death. She also admitted to harming Lady and Yogi, causing them unnecessary suffering as well.