Family’s distress as DWP rejects grant. Body of Susan Morton, 65, remains at funeral home, delaying burial services.

Susan died from a blood clot. She had stroke-like symptoms. Emergency services found her at her home in Fallowfield. She died in the hospital with her family on January 17.
Her ex-husband is Thomas Penman, 68. Susan had no life insurance and had just started getting her pension. The funeral cost proved too much, leading her sons to ask the DWP for £3,100 in help.
The funeral was planned for February 18, but it is now delayed. Susan’s body is still at the funeral home due to the grant rejection.
Thomas, who uses a wheelchair, is very upset. He said Susan has been at the funeral home for a month, and described the situation as heartbreaking.
The funeral delay hurts everyone, with people taking time off work. Her sons are deeply upset because Susan was a wonderful woman who Thomas said helped everyone. It is awful she can’t be buried yet.
The DWP denied the funeral grant because they said her son, Darren, had a job and thought he could pay. Darren says he worked part-time and made very little money, barely covering his own bills.
Darren is now unemployed and receives universal credit. The DWP has not resolved this, and Darren feels frustrated. His brothers also applied and receive universal credit, but the DWP has not responded.
Darren said the DWP assumed things and thought he was not estranged. He did not live with his mom and rarely saw her. He feels the DWP is stalling.
The DWP gave condolences and said their help targets those who need it. They said income-related benefits may allow a loan which could help pay.
The news source contacted the funeral home for a statement. No statement is available yet.