Councillors object to a plan to turn a Dudley pub into a children’s home, citing safety and crime worries.

Three local councillors wrote a joint letter objecting to the project. They think the location is unsafe for kids and that more cars will worsen traffic. This could lead to more accidents, and about 25 other people have also objected.
Councillors have other worries too. They note many similar projects in the area and fear more crime and bad behavior. They also say the details are lacking, but the applicant says it will be a fully staffed care home registered with the CQC.
The applicant says the home will be safe and provide 24-hour, tailored support. The development creates two homes: one houses six children, and the other will be home to five children. Each home will have staff; there can be six staff in each home during the day and three at night.
The applicant believes it fills a community need and meets all rules. The plan will bring good long-term value. West Midlands Police are also concerned, saying the area already has high crime rates. The children’s home could cause more trouble, including antisocial behavior and vehicle crime. Dudley Council’s Children’s Services agrees, thinking the location is not suitable.