The Strawberry Hall mourns its co-owner’s death, only weeks after his mother passed. Locals share memories online.

The Strawberry Hall shared a Facebook post about Frid, mentioning his kindness and impact on others. They also noted Vera’s recent death. Frid’s warmth touched anyone entering the pub. The post said his spirit filled many hearts.
The pub’s post stated Frid’s legacy continues, and people will remember him fondly. They announced the pub would close that day, appreciating everyone’s understanding.
Locals left comments sharing their memories of Frid. One person called him a beautiful, gentle man and thanked him for good times at the pub. Another wrote about fun times they shared, saying Frid was a true gentleman.
Someone else sent sympathy to Frid’s family, describing him as the loveliest person who always gave a warm greeting. People will deeply miss him, and they thought of his family during the sad time.