A drug dealer jumped from window trying to escape police raid on heroin, cocaine house. Both dealers sentenced to four years.

A drug dealer panicked and jumped from a window, trying to escape a heroin and cocaine house. He landed in a garden and tried to run.
A policeman grabbed his clothes near a fence. The house stored drugs for many texts. John Robinson, 49, and Christopher Coldbeck, 32, admitted drug dealing. Robinson also admitted lying to police, and Coldbeck admitted burglary, too.
Michael Masson said police started investigating in April 2023. They saw a car they thought was used for drug deals, and it hit a police car and sped off. Police found the car later, linking it to Coldbeck. Robinson’s phone linked to drug sales, sending out bulk messages.
Police stopped a car on September 29, 2023, with Robinson driving and Coldbeck as his passenger. Acting on tips, police searched a house. Masson stated that Coldbeck fled from a window into the garden.
Police tried to grab him as he struggled over a fence, but an officer caught him. Masson said Coldbeck kicked and tried to stand, so other officers helped arrest him. Police found drug items in the house, including scales, bags, and phones.
Masson told the court the house was a distribution center. Robinson, known as Scouse Paddy
, hid, but they arrested him at a hotel two weeks later. Over 42 weeks, they sent over 15,000 texts, contacting 139 customers, with fifty-four replying between April 2023 and February.
Masson shared that the dealing was local, not across the country. He noted the business was well organized and made large profits. Robinson said a car was stolen and used for drug use.
He had 22 past offences, and Coldbeck had 31. Julia Baggs said Robinson used drugs and alcohol, leading to drug dealing. He is now clean and passed drug tests in custody.
Baggs said he will not sell drugs again, adding that Robinson was at the bottom, selling, and that this model worked for somebody. Hannah Turner said Coldbeck had a clean record and three children.
Now, he is drug-free, and Turner shared that he wants to improve upon his release. A judge sent Robinson and Coldbeck to jail, each receiving four years.