Driver pleads guilty but denies responsibility for crash. A hearing set for August 21 to investigate.

Daniel Hunter, 43, was arrested last year. Police saw a car acting strangely. The car crashed on Mount Gould Road. Firefighters had to cut the car’s roof.
Hunter faced four charges. These involved dangerous driving on several roads. He also lacked a license and insurance. He refused a blood test too.
Hunter admitted to dangerous driving in January. He was due for sentencing in February at court. He also pleaded guilty to other charges. These included no license and no insurance. He also admitted refusing the blood test.
The judge saw something odd. Hunter blamed a passenger for the crash. He said she made him flee, and she also supposedly grabbed the wheel.
Hunter and his lawyer talked it over. They agreed on a special hearing. It will examine his claims about the crash. This hearing is set for August 21. The judge said Hunter stays free until then. He must follow certain rules. This is called conditional bail.