Brian Smillie Jr. faces jail for damaging his ex-partner’s car with a hammer while wearing a balaclava.

Smillie used a weapon to smash a car window and wore a balaclava during the attack. Kelly Johnstone is Smillie’s former girlfriend, and he initially faced stalking charges.
Prosecutors accepted a guilty plea for a breach of the peace involving domestic aggravation. Smillie admitted to threatening behaviour. Sentencing will happen on April 2.
The court wants reports about Smillie to assess his suitability for a ROLO, which means wearing an ankle tag. This tag enforces a home curfew, potentially as an alternative to prison. The Sheriff found the balaclava suspicious. Bail continues with conditions.
Smillie can’t enter her street and cannot contact Ms. Johnstone. The prosecutor wants a non-harassment order to further protect Ms. Johnstone.
Smillie appeared on Dragons’ Den in 2018, seeking investment for his company, Beezer. Peter Jones offered £125,000 for 15%. Smillie rejected the Dragon’s offer later, instead selling houses and art for Beezer. In 2022, he joined 2mee as head of HoloAd.