Mickey S. evicted before Christmas due to a puppy. Now lives in a caravan in Kent with his dogs, seeking permanent pet-friendly housing.

Mickey used to live in Birmingham, but he now lives 170 miles away in Kent. He is 46 years old and has an XL Bully named Tyson. Mickey also has two puppies.
The landlord asked Mickey to leave his flat because of a puppy. The puppy belonged to Mickey’s ex-partner and was only visiting for the weekend. Mickey thought everything was okay afterward.
Then, Mickey got an eviction order, and he felt lost and unsure. He relocated to Kent unexpectedly and misses the friends and life he had in Birmingham. Mickey feels isolated and needs help.
Online XL Bully groups helped Mickey. They found him a caravan to live in, but space is limited, and security is a concern. He considers his dogs his family.
Mickey is thankful for the help, but he still lacks a permanent tenancy, and caravan documents are still pending. He feels unlucky to be evicted, especially since this occurred right before Christmas.
Mickey posted his plea online and considered sleeping on the streets. Giving up his dogs was not an option. He doesn’t know where to go or what to do and feels he is running out of time.
Finding a landlord is proving tough, and he thinks landlords are prejudiced. They don’t want any dogs at all, despite the fact his dogs are active and he walks them often.
He’s struggling with the housing search. Landlords can’t discriminate against his XL Bully because Tyson is legal and properly registered. Landlords simply don’t want dogs.
Mickey would live anywhere in the UK to protect his dogs. He wants to escape his current situation and needs help finding a pet-friendly home.