A Newcastle dad’s lullaby, written for his daughter nearly 60 years ago, is now inside collectible teddy bears.

Karen grew up in Rowlands Gill, Newcastle, and really admired her dad. Her mom had mental health issues, so Brian was both mother and father.
Brian worked as a plasterer, but his true love was music and poetry. He started writing at age eight and stopped at 79, after a brain injury.
Karen said he needed constant care after the injury, which was a very hard time for her. She couldn’t believe it happened, as he was a great poet and dad before. Then she had to care for him, which broke her heart.
People in Rowlands Gill knew Brian as a poet. He’d sit outside and recite poems, and Karen heard from people who remembered him.
Brian wrote many poems, but Karen especially loves one called “Daffodils.” He wrote it after seeing a child admire a daffodil.
Brian also wrote books, including “Sermons in Stone” and “Books in Brooks.” After his injury, Karen thought she’d never hear him sing again.
Karen spoke for him after his injury. Most thought he didn’t know what was happening, but Karen felt he was still “in there.”
To prove it, she read “Daffodils” to him at the hospital. He started humming along, and while he couldn’t say words, he chanted the rhythm.
The nurses got goosebumps, and Karen asked him to raise his hand. He did! They knew he was still aware, and he even said Karen’s name. Karen promised to show everyone his talent.
Brian’s health declined in 2021, during the pandemic. Karen decided to act on her promise, vowing that everyone would hear his song and he would not be forgotten after his death.
She found a recording of “Little Girl” in an old briefcase, which sparked her idea to put the lullaby in teddy bears. The recording was damaged, crackly and old.
BBC Radio Newcastle helped her, and Sunderland College re-recorded the lullaby and another song, “Little Boy.” Karen is thankful for the help.
The lullaby now lives in the teddy bears. She said her dad cared about everyone, and when Brian was young, he wanted a teddy bear but got a toy gun instead. “Now he has as many teddy bears as he wants,” she said.
The company is Teasdale Teddies, and Karen named a bear Brian, so his name will live on. She thinks it is the most beautiful song worldwide.
People can now enjoy his music, and sharing makes life worthwhile, she believes. She could have kept the song to herself, but she hopes others enjoy it too, as her dad would want that too.
The teddies are also collectibles, each one with a numbered certificate. Karen said this makes them special, and people from around the world want the bears.
Some are from America and Switzerland, and people plan to give them to their kids, creating family bonds. Karen’s dad’s song is making that happen.
Karen said her husband helped her. He was there during her dad’s injury and hospital stay, and he took her to see him daily. He was her rock, and she doesn’t know what she’d do without him.
She married Kenny after Brian’s injury, and they skipped their honeymoon to care for him. Karen plans to release his poetry book and also wants musical cards with his lullaby.