New speed cameras are set to be installed across six areas in Coventry to enhance road safety. The move follows successful implementations elsewhere.

The goal is to make roads safer. Coventry Council worked with police on this project, finding roads needing cameras the most. Speeding is an issue on these 30mph roads.
Cameras should be running in March. Signs will warn drivers well before then. Past data shows the cameras have helped a lot; injuries from crashes dropped over 40 percent. This data came from a transport group.
One person wanted cameras on Aldermans Green Road, stating they lived there for 34 years and saw eight crashes. Someone else thinks cameras invade privacy too much but still thinks average speed cameras are useful.
Some people think the cameras will watch everyone. Other drivers stated that cars keep a safe distance and do not speed on roads with cameras present. Someone feels all safety measures cost working people money.
One commenter said those not breaking the law have nothing to fear. Another person thinks safety isn’t the true motive; money is the real reason, in their view. A resident thinks speeding generates the fines paid.
Someone suggested fixing potholes instead. An individual questioned another missing camera site in the area. Other people want more cameras.