RNLI crew saves two from sinking fishing boat off Beara Peninsula in near-gale force winds. All returned safely to shore.

Marney O’Donoghue led the lifeboat crew, with David O’Donovan as the mechanic. Dean Hegarty, Joe Cronin, and Andrew O’Neill were also crew members.
The RNLI found strong winds and that the fishing boat had lost power. It was taking on water near the Beara Peninsula. The boat in distress measured twenty meters long.
The lifeboat rescued the two fishermen. Attaching a towline proved difficult. Another fishing boat assisted with the rescue as they dealt with tough conditions.
The lifeboat towed the disabled fishing boat to Castletownbere. It was almost dawn upon their arrival. All people returned to shore safely, and the lifeboat was prepared for another call.
Valentia Coastguard requested the launch due to a fishing boat that had lost power and was taking on water. Two people were on board, and another boat stood by near Blackball Head.
Winds were Force 7, and waves reached 4 to 5 meters. The crew attached a towline in the rough seas. The lifeboat slowly towed the boat to harbor, where a tug helped with docking. The lifeboat refueled, ready by 8:20 a.m.
Brendan O’Neill praised the fishermen. Calling for help was the correct choice. He is glad everyone is safe, considering the poor weather conditions that day.