West Calder mourns Hope Gordon, 6, after her tragic death alongside her father, Mark. The service included Paw Patrol tributes.

Hope was only six years old. She and her father, Mark, died January 20. Their home was in West Calder. Police think she was murdered. They do not suspect foul play in her father’s death.
Family called Monday “Hope’s Day”. A service happened at Coop Funeralcare. Then, a procession went to Adambrae Cemetery. People lined the streets even though it was cold, and they threw flowers on the moving hearse.
Paw Patrol characters decorated Hope’s coffin. It was her top cartoon show. A car followed with a Paw Patrol floral arrangement, which Toronto Primary School provided. She went to that school.
White horses pulled the white hearse while wearing Paw Patrol colors. A Chase character walked behind the hearse; he was a good family friend. Family members rode in cars nearby.
A piper led the procession, playing music in Highland dress. The family called it “Hope’s final journey” online.