A look back at Grimsby news from 1985 reveals a centenarian, missing clocks, a lottery win, and more local events.

North East Lincolnshire changed a lot since 1985. Back then, big hair was popular. Pop music was also at its peak then. Old newspapers give us a look back. We found five old stories.
Julia Rhoades had a 100th birthday party. The excitement tired her out. She lived in Cleethorpes for 76 years. Mrs. Rhoades cared for others. She helped at home and raised five kids.
She sewed and did tapestry. Her sight and hearing declined later. The Mayor visited her.
Councillor Wheatley wondered where the clocks went. He noticed clocks disappeared in Grimsby. Victoria Street lost its Lawson and Stockdale clock. Freeman Street was losing its clock too. Riby Square had many clocks still. People asked him for the time often.
Alice Painting remembered World War II. She lived in Grimsby then. She recalled a butterfly bomb attack. It happened on June 14, 1943. She rescued her mother that night. She made secret nets during the war.
Her husband swept mines before D-Day. She now lives in Australia.
A couple won £41,000 on the pools. That is like £125,000 today. They were celebrating their anniversary. Their son Mark predicted nine correct scores. They shared the money together. Mark would pay off his car loan.
Vandals caused damage in Cleethorpes. They smashed windows on the North Promenade. It happened between midnight and 2:30 AM. The damage cost at least £1,000. Police asked witnesses for information.