Chorley Council is reviewing bin collections before new food waste collections start in 2026.

By March 2026, councils must collect it weekly. Now, Chorley collects green bins every two weeks, and these bins are for non-recyclable rubbish.
Blue bins get emptied every other week, too. These hold plastic, glass, tins, and cans. Brown bins are for paper and cardboard, but they only collect these every four weeks. The council is looking at different collection schedules.
A study by the Taxpayers’ Alliance prompted this review. However, they said no changes are final just yet. Councilor Adrian Lowe talked about the new food waste plan. It’s a big step for being green.
He says they need to improve waste services and want to ensure a smooth rollout. Lowe said they’re just exploring options, wanting good service for residents and to meet environmental goals. No decisions have been made.
The council plans to increase garden waste collection fees. The grey bin collection will cost £40 per year, an increase of £2.50. They collect these every two weeks.
Peter Wilson said raising charges isn’t easy, but this helps them support the community. He mentioned their low council tax, and the garden waste cost is about £1.82 per collection.