Former Cheltenham councillor Charmian Sheppard passed away. She is remembered for her kindness and community contributions.

Charmian served on the county council for twenty years. She represented St Peters from 1993 to 2013. People praised her community contributions. Suzanne Williams spoke about Charmian’s impact.
Suzanne knew Charmian from Pate’s Grammar School. The school used to be single-sex. Boys studied far across town, she said. Charmian cared a lot about education and also helped with local groups.
Charmian ran the skittles league and was involved in the Rotary Club. She became chairman of a school in 2013. Charmian helped families at funerals too. People really appreciated her help.
Tim Harman knew Charmian well and worked with her in Cheltenham. He said she was a truly good person. Her charity work impacted the whole town. He sends his thoughts to her family.
David Willingham replaced Charmian as councillor. He said she helped him a lot, sharing her knowledge of past decisions. She could still influence the council, even after leaving office.
Matt Babbage didn’t know her as a councillor but met her often over the years. Charmian was involved in many town groups. She worked on a medal for local heroes.
Charmian organized the Cheltenham skittles league where many people play weekly. The committee does a great job, and Charmian played a vital role. People will truly miss her.
Her funeral is on March 24th at noon at Oak Chapel, Cheltenham Crematorium. A wake follows at The Gloucester Old Spot, located on Tewkesbury Road.
The family requests no flowers. People can donate to The Butterfly Gardens, a charity that was important to Charmian.