Miles for Men fun run in Hartlepool cancelled after runners failed to submit pledged sponsorship money.

The race, Miles for Men, helped cancer patients. It took place in Hartlepool and lasted over ten years. The charity is now struggling.
Micky Day leads the charity group. He said few people gave in money after last July’s run, which had great turnout.
He stated the 5k run won’t happen this year. Last year saw a fantastic amount of runners, with groups and individuals participating a lot. Sadly, most didn’t turn in their funds.
Since Covid, this problem increased. Fewer people are turning in their money. In 2012-2013, they got over £80,000.
In the last three years, it was under £18,000. Organizing takes eight months and £14,000. Rising costs are affecting the race negatively, and it is no longer financially viable. Canceling the 5k fun run was a hard choice.
People are sad about the cancellation. Volunteers have run it since 2012. Day started it after his dad’s throat cancer death in 2007.
One person questioned people not handing in cash, feeling it harms vulnerable people and takes care away from those who need it. Another one thanked Micky and the volunteers, acknowledging they do amazing work for the town.
Day said the charity will continue. They will keep fundraising in other ways and thanked sponsors for their ongoing support.