Police warning: Thieves tampering with ATMs, trapping cards & stealing PINs in Leicestershire. Be vigilant!

The thieves put a device over the card slot. It stops your card from coming back out. Then they take the card from the device. They use that card to take money or buy stuff.
Police say check the ATM before using it. See if anyone messed with the front panel. Watch out for people looking over your shoulder. These “shoulder surfers” try to see your PIN.
NatWest’s website tells about many scams. “Skimming” involves a device inside the card slot. It copies your bank details. A hidden camera might record your PIN too. Then, they use your info to take money.
“Card trapping” includes a device to trap your card. After you leave, they grab the card. Be aware. Criminals might distract you at the ATM. They steal your cash or card when you’re not looking. Sometimes, they switch your card for another one.