A suspected card skimming operation was uncovered in Market Harborough. One man has been arrested and charged with fraud.

Bogdan Gasparov, from Dagenham, got arrested Saturday. Police got tips about suspicious activity near ATMs. Plain clothes officers went to the town center to investigate. They charged Gasparov with intent to commit fraud.
He went to court in Leicester on Monday. The court sent him to Leicester Crown Court in April. Police want people to stay alert at ATMs. They ask everyone to look for anything strange.
If you spot a device, tell the bank. Also, contact the police quickly. They can investigate it properly. Call Leicestershire Police at 101 if you think you’re a victim.
Scams include card entrapment. This traps your card in the machine. Card skimming copies your card’s details. Crooks also steal PINs by watching you or using hidden cameras.
Here’s how to stay safe. Stand close to the ATM when you type. Shield the keypad with your hand or wallet. This stops people from seeing your PIN. Be alert and think about your safety.
If someone is close or watching, stop and cancel the transaction immediately. Tell a staff member about it. Don’t take help from strangers, ever. Store your bank’s contact number on your phone.
If the ATM keeps your card, stay put and call your bank immediately. If the ATM looks odd, don’t use it. If you were scammed, contact your bank fast. Action Fraud UK provided these tips.