A family’s world shattered after a car crash claimed the life of their eight-month-old baby and coincided with the death of the grandmother.

She was dying at Withybush Hospital. She had motor neurone disease. Rob stayed by her side for two weeks. He left because his baby was also dying. His daughter Mabli was eight months old. Rob walked outside with Mabli. He needed a break from his mother’s death.
A car sped across the road. It jumped a curb and hit Rob and Mabli. The peaceful day turned to horror. Rob was thrown into a parking space. Panic filled him. He could not see Mabli. Her pushchair was under the car.
Rob’s mom was already ill two weeks prior. The family visited daily. Mabli made her smile. Doctors could do nothing more. So Gwen and Mabli went home. Rob stayed with his mom to the end.
Gwen and Mabli returned on June 21, 2023. It became an unbelievably tragic day. They said goodbye to Rob’s mom and Mabli held her hand. They went for a walk outside. Rob called his son and told his brother about the walk. He strapped Mabli back into her pram.
That was the last moment of normal life for him. Everything changed after that moment.
Rob heard screeching. A white car flew through the air. It hit him and he fell. He saw the pram under the car. People ran everywhere. Nurses picked him up. He wondered where Mabli was. Someone walked by holding her. She was lifeless.
Mabli was thrown far by the car. The car went 28 meters at 30 mph. Doctors rushed to help Mabli. Rob and his brother wandered, dazed. People in the waiting room screamed.
Mabli’s mom was with her dying mother-in-law. She ran to the emergency room. She learned Mabli was hit by a car. She saw doctors trying to save her.
Mabli went by air to Cardiff. Her parents rode in a police car. They waited hours to see her. Rob had a head scan. He had to wait in a small room. His wife had never been away from Mabli so long.
Mabli went to a Bristol children’s hospital. Machines kept her alive, filling the room. Doctors said she likely would not live. Rob got sick to his stomach. They sat with her for hours. Machines made horrible noises.
His brother phoned about his mother as Mabli had another scan. Rob found a bench and called his mother. He lied to her. He did not mention Mabli. She wanted to know why he was not at her side.
Two hours later, his mother died. Rob could not believe it. He was with his dying daughter. He was grieving his dead mother. Doctors said Mabli was gone. Machines kept her body alive.
On Friday, his other kids visited Mabli. They learned she was dying. They learned their grandmother died. They saw a photo before entering. On Saturday, doctors advised ending life support. Gwen’s sister-in-law was in labor. They waited to not associate the cousin’s birthday with Mabli’s death.
At 12:30 am on Sunday, June 25, Mabli died. She was taken to a funeral home. Her parents loved her. Her funeral was one day before her grandma’s. Rob missed his mother’s death. He felt unable to process it all.
Last month, Bridget Curtis was jailed for four years. She caused Mabli’s death by dangerous driving. It took 19 months for that sentence. Mabli’s parents thanked the police. They felt Curtis lacked accountability.
Curtis’s interview got delayed. Her solicitor was not available. Two weeks later, she pleaded the fifth. Rob’s family had no answers. This was devastating.
In September 2024, Curtis pleaded guilty. It was before Mabli’s birthday. Her sentencing was delayed. She had a panic attack. Curtis had another Christmas at home. Mabli only had one.
Finally, on January 23, Curtis was jailed. Rob and Gwen cried in court. Dashcam footage showed the crash. The judge called it reckless.
Curtis stopped her car. Her daughter got out. She looked for her bag. Curtis turned to help and left the car running. The car moved forward. It drove across the grass. It hit Mabli in her stroller.
Rob and Gwen held each other. Rob did not know what they felt. Each day brought trauma. “It was avoidable,” he said. Curtis caused his baby’s death. The judge gave them justice. It provided some relief. Nothing really changes for them. They still live in hell. They support their other children.
Rob and Gwen thank everyone for their support. People visit the crash site. They leave flowers and gifts for Mabli.
It meant so much to them that people cared. Rob’s family raised money for charity. It supports families who lose children. Gwen said Mabli was the happiest baby. She made everyone smile through it all. She gave only love. She is part of their lives forever.