Narrow bridge on Burrell’s Walk to be replaced for safety. Thousands of cyclists and pedestrians will benefit.

The path connects the city center to the University and also goes to Cambridge West. About 2,500 cyclists use this route each day. The bridge over Bin Brook is very narrow now, only 1.7 meters wide.
They plan to build a wider bridge to make Burrell’s Walk safer for all. This change is part of the Comberton Greenway, which aims to make active travel easier and safer. Greater Cambridge has twelve of these routes.
Thomas Fitzpatrick works at the GCP. He says the current bridge is a problem because it creates bottlenecks for walkers and bikers. The bridge is too narrow for so many users, and more people will use it when Comberton Greenway opens.
Ultimately, they want to build a new, wider bridge as part of their greenways program. The bridge will reduce congestion and improve this popular route, as they are adding greenways for 150km.
They will present the plans soon. The GCP joint assembly meets on February 20th, and the GCP board will then make the final decision.