A woman was dragged shouting down the street after a brawl outside a bar in Royton. Police made two arrests related.

The video shows a man and woman fighting. The woman ends up on the ground. A man falls nearby after security interacts. Another person tried to break up the fight. The man then pushed that person away. The woman in the video yelled during all the chaos. She demanded people let them explain.
She claimed they were decent people. Police confirmed the arrests on February 14th. Officials have criticized police after several incidents. Councillor Lewis Quigg posted updates online for residents. He mentioned police promised more patrols.
He stated the chief superintendent needs to act fast. The council and police must address this issue now. Bono’s owner, Cemal Budak, shared his view. He said the pair fought with people in line. Bouncers then got involved in everything.
This happened weeks after another incident nearby. That earlier case involved a gang assault. The prior incident involved a man getting hit with glass. In December, someone got hurt with a glass there. Afterwards, others attacked the suspected culprits.
Budak told the Manchester Evening News more exists. CCTV proves that, and they gave it to police. Police responded to a disturbance on February 9th. They received a call at 1:30 AM. The location was Market Square in Royton. Officers arrested a man and a woman.
Assault is the suspected charge that they’re facing. Police say they work with Oldham venues. They want people to enjoy nightlife safely. More officers will patrol the town center. They want to engage with local businesses too. This will help them tackle crime.
Footage shows the woman battling security. She is then dragged along the ground. The woman keeps shouting for an explanation. Her words fade as she gets pulled up the street. You cannot really hear anything she says.
Quigg said he contacted the police and received a response. Police spoke of a plan to look closer. They plan to focus on incidents deeply. Their plan involves them working with the Oldham council. Police said they plan to shift officers. They will patrol on Friday and Saturday nights.
Royton will also have some police presence. They added presence depends on need at the time. This applies across Oldham. The bar spokesperson wants more police around. They ask for more presence in Royton.
Police presence during weekends would matter. They think it could reduce misbehavior. Councillor Elaine Taylor spoke about safety. She wants everyone to have a safe time. Council staff team up with the police. They want to ease residents’ worries. They are taking all the worries seriously.
The safety and licensing groups will jointly work. They will gather data about crime. GMP will support them, too. That information helps them plan ahead. They are planning to help the bar location.