A quick-thinking UK police officer disarmed and detained a knifeman, preventing a potential attack.

PC Morgan Younger took action, disarming and holding Fitzgerald Carty before other officers arrived. Carty is 66 years old.
A court sentenced him to 30 months in prison for attempted harm and six months for having a knife. Carty admitted to both crimes.
PC Younger explained that he saw the trouble unexpectedly and reacted immediately to stop the man. His police training helped him, and he just wanted to help. He loves being a police officer and wants to protect people.
He is glad nobody got hurt, and the dangerous man is now in jail. This event happened in Lewisham at a gas station on January 25, around 3 p.m.
PC Younger is 23. He saw Carty grab a man and try to stab him. Younger tackled him, took the knife, and arrested him controlling him for five minutes until support arrived soon after. The victim was in his 40s and was not hurt.
Trevor Lawry, who oversees policing in Lewisham, praised PC Younger’s work, stating that he put a criminal in jail. Lawry thinks someone could have been hurt badly because Younger saw a violent crime occur and quickly wrestled the man down. Lawry stated Younger was calm and acted how police should act. They’re proud and nominated him for an award.