Arson attack destroys equipment at Cambridgeshire bowls club. Fundraising efforts underway to reopen.

They want to reopen in April. Treasurer Sheridan Wheeler said the club is special and that a friend’s bowls were lost in the fire which Wheeler found upsetting, as The fire impacted everyone in the community.
The club connects many people and helps prevent isolation. Older members enjoy bowling there, as Bowling does not require much mobility. Other groups also use the club’s space, such as live bands who play on the green in summer. The fire destroyed spectator benches which impacts other users too.
The club launched a GoFundMe page and held fundraising events with much support from the local area. A horse racing night proved very successful. Wheeler emailed many local businesses asking for raffle prizes. The night raised a lot of money, People really supported them, and many helped out.
The club still needs more money to reopen. Councillor Robert Skoulding donated a mower. The club must replace many bowls and is working very hard. The club wants people bowling again soon.
Wheeler is busy deciding where to start, as the green must be in excellent condition, and they want to open quickly. Fire crews went to Creek Road on January 1st and found two sheds burning badly. The fire spread to a third shed, and police suspect that the fire was likely deliberate which they hope someone will provide information to police or Crimestoppers.
The club has more fundraising events planned. They need money for new equipment, but their main goal is getting people back on the green.