Council to consult on 24-hour opening for Botanic Gardens following resident requests, as part of a broader park hours review.

A council meeting discussed the park hours plan. Councillors included Botanic Gardens in the talks. They will create plans for the four parks this summer. Public input will happen in the autumn. Currently, Belfast asks about Forth Meadow Greenway hours. The council wants feedback from the public now.
A councillor, Claire Canavan, is happy about the review. She said they must listen to park neighbors. She also mentioned leaflets for those not online. She thinks response has been good so far. This helps the council make choices.
Another councillor, Conor McKay, likes park access ideas. He mentioned Stranmillis residents wanted Botanic Gardens included. He feels strongly about it himself, using it often. The park connects areas like Ormeau Road to Lisburn Road. He said not including it would be a mistake. Green Councillor Áine Groogan supports the idea.
She has pushed for this change for a while. Upgrades to walking and biking paths make sense. She said limiting hours after that is strange. She mentioned Central Park in New York is always open. She suggests Belfast can likely do the same. She did bring up being careful with new lights. Protect the local plants and animals.
SDLP Councillor Gary McKeown wants citizen voices heard. He supports Ormeau Park plans, including a bridge. He wants the bridge going somewhere useful. People should easily reach the city through the park. He supports longer hours for Botanic Gardens, potentially 24 hours. He also thinks better bike paths are crucial.
A 2020 plan tested 24-hour opening. Ormeau, Falls, and Woodvale Parks were the trial sites. It was stopped due to the pandemic. Restrictions hindered talks with groups. Botanic Gardens was open 24 hours during Covid’s first wave. However, police addressed antisocial behavior.
The council thinks open spaces are healthy. They also believe in safe spaces for all. They usually lock gates at night. This helps with public safety issues. Research shows open parks reduce crime. Connswater Greenway has lights and is open always. Many parks follow a limited “dawn to dusk” schedule.
Falls Park has new lighting. This came with the Forth Meadow Greenway project. The Greenway consultation assesses park hours. They will consider longer hours for connected park areas. Local feedback ensures benefits and issues are heard well. They can now test longer hours at the other parks.
Ormeau and Woodvale parks might stay open longer too. The council wants input from all people using and living by parks. They will analyze public park warden pilots, programs, and teamwork. Ormeau Park may also get new lighting later. The council can now greatly improve access. A new bridge will connect the site and city center. The bridge will go over the Lagan River.