A burglar stole wedding rings from a Surrey widow but was caught thanks to blood found at the scene.

Michael Richardson, aged 43, broke in during August 2021. He broke glass in the front door. Police said he cut himself then, though he did not know it at the time.
Richardson bled inside the house, and blood dripped even into her bedroom. There, he stole the rings and a necklace. These items all had huge sentimental value, coming from her deceased husband.
Forensic scientists found his DNA in the blood, and it was a complete match. They later arrested Richardson for burglary. The crime had left the victim devastated.
The court was in Guildford on February 12th. Richardson, from Bromley, admitted his guilt and pleaded guilty to the burglary charge. The court sentenced him to prison.
He got two years and three months, and he must also pay £190 in costs. Police officer Joseph Brown investigated, calling Richardson greedy and dangerous.
The victim was lucky she wasn’t home, as Richardson went to great lengths to break in. Brown considered how she felt coming home after that. The police officer stated Richardson stole more than jewelry. He also robbed her peace of mind, and she no longer felt safe in her own home.
The sentence sends a message: burglary will be punished in Surrey. Police will pursue offenders relentlessly and will not give up the chase.