Blackpool libraries extend their fine free policy for a sixth year to improve accessibility and support residents.

The council faces budget cuts of £8.6 million. Libraries are vital for literacy, so library funding remains protected. Some library fees will increase, though.
Commercial meeting room rentals rise. A large room at Central Library will cost £150 a day, up from £130. Community groups will still pay less.
Removing fines did not cause more lost items. Borrowers replace lost items at full cost. Late fees used to be 20p per day. The report explains the decision.
Removing fees helps people access libraries easily and has increased library sign-ups and use. Reinstating fines would hurt residents during tough times and also hurt library engagement.
Data shows many borrowers are from low-income homes, highlighting the importance of libraries. Printing costs will increase with ink prices. Computer access for visitors will rise 25%.
This aims to boost library membership. Heritage material fees stay the same. Central Library repairs limited access. Showtown History Centre opens in 2025-26. It will offer public access to heritage items.