A Belfast councillor urges tenants renting HMO properties to be aware of their rights and landlord duties.

An HMO houses three or more people from over two households. At least one person pays rent there. Belfast requires all HMOs to have licenses, which ensures safety and quality. They must also be well-managed.
Since 2019, landlords need a local council HMO license to rent to multiple tenants. This rule has an exception for some cases. Alderman Jim Rodgers offers advice for renters.
Rodgers suggests checking for a license before signing anything. It means the HMO follows rules, ensuring safety and good facilities that suit the number of renters. When you move in, you join a community there.
Respect neighbors as a tenant is important. Let the manager do their duties too, and follow safety rules to keep everyone safe. Tenants can check a property’s license online at belfastcity.gov.uk/checkhmolicence by entering the address on the HMO register.
Alderman Rodgers also reminds landlords of their roles. They must address repair needs quickly. Works should start as soon as reasonable.
Emergency repairs need doing in 24 hours. Urgent repairs take four work days max. Routine repairs should happen within a month.
Deposits cannot exceed one month’s rent. Landlords must register deposits in 28 days using an approved scheme. If you don’t hear in 35 days, contact envhealth@belfastcity.gov.uk, or call 028 9027 0428.
The council aims to help landlords understand regulations. They want landlords to manage well to support tenants. The Department for Communities has guidance covering HMO management best practices.
The council also made a guide that helps landlords manage bad behavior. Both guides live at belfastcity.gov.uk/NIHMO. The council can also answer questions; call the NIHMO Unit at 028 9027 0414 or email nihmo@belfastcity.gov.uk.