Refurbished memorial garden at West Lea Cemetery reopens after restoration, honoring Queen Elizabeth II.

The restoration honored Queen Elizabeth II. A new entrance was installed during the work, and resurfacing and new seating were added. People can now see a bust of the late Queen.
The council and a councillor jointly funded the garden. The Friends of West Lea Cemetery group also helped. The Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland opened the garden, and other council leaders attended the ceremony.
Dr. Pryer said the garden looks immaculate and creates a memorable space. The memorial will stay in Bedlington for years, benefiting future generations.
Councillor Robinson got the garden restored after being persistent. The council leader challenged him to create a plan. He did, and the garden got fixed.
The Friends of West Lea Cemetery funded the planting. Sarah Gibson and Isabel Easson lead the group. They make wreaths each Christmas and use those funds to improve the cemetery.
Isabel’s daughter is buried in the cemetery. She noticed fly-tipping when visiting and asked the town council for security. She suggested selling wreaths to raise money, and they refurbished the waiting room with the funding.
The wreaths have become very popular, and people donate to support their efforts. They use savings to improve the cemetery further. The group fought to restore the damaged garden.