Charles Hanson faces assault and coercive control charges, with testimony detailing alleged abuse against his wife.

Hanson denies all the charges against him. The charges involve his wife, Rebecca Hanson, to whom he has been married for fifteen years.
Rebecca Hanson testified about abuse, saying he attacked her while pregnant. She said he grabbed her throat and she felt very afraid, she told the court. She claims he threatened her with hot embers too, estimating fourteen or fifteen incidents of violence.
Her mother, Jacqueline Ludlum, testified on Tuesday. She said early in the marriage things seemed fine, but around 2012, she noticed changes.
Ludlum said Hanson prioritized his business working constantly, even after marrying. He would often come home, then leave again.
Ludlum worried during the 2020 Covid lockdown, wondering what would happen with Hanson home all the time. She felt anxious every time the phone rang.
Ludlum recalled a bad holiday in Wales where her daughter called, upset. Rebecca said Hanson locked her in a room, then drove off, she explained.
Ludlum said the relationship worsened in 2020, noting the outbursts became more frequent.
The prosecutor read a message from Rebecca: “Terrible night with Charles. I can’t live like this if there’s another lockdown.” Ludlum remembered seeing it.
The prosecutor read Ludlum’s reply: “Oh dear, I did wonder if it would kick off.” Ludlum confirmed she wrote that.
The prosecutor asked if Ludlum contacted anyone. She contacted Hanson’s father, Philip, wanting him to know what was happening. She also spoke to Hanson’s mother, Gillian, to help sort things out. Ludlum said Gillian promised to talk to him, but nothing changed, she said. Ludlum made those calls without her daughter’s knowledge.
Ludlum said they considered marriage counselling in 2023. Hanson was eager to try anything, and Rebecca agreed to try it.
The prosecutor asked about Rebecca’s feelings. Ludlum said her daughter was scared and wanted to get away.
The prosecutor asked about May and June 2023. Ludlum said Rebecca decided she’d had enough and had to stand up for herself. Rebecca wanted the abuse to stop.
The prosecutor asked how Rebecca seemed at the time. Ludlum said she acted like everything was fine and used make-up to hide it.
Hanson’s lawyer questioned Ludlum, confirming she knows Charles Hanson for fifteen years. The lawyer asked if she saw him use force. Ludlum said she never saw him use force. The lawyer asked if it all came from Rebecca. Ludlum stated that it did.
The lawyer suggested work created tension. Ludlum disagreed, saying it was not just that. The lawyer said Ludlum and her husband got on well, and Ludlum agreed.
The lawyer asked about the relationship change after the charges. Ludlum stated that it did change. The trial continues.