A man in a balaclava lurking in the woods near kids was reported. Police found it was a prank; no laws broken.

He wore all black clothes and a balaclava mask. This person looked like they were hiding. The caller spotted him on Wednesday, February 19th in Plympton.
Someone even filmed him with their phone. The video went on social media fast. The man turned and told the camera to be quiet. Then he looked back at the kids. Police sent officers and a dog to check it out.
Police talked to the kids playing in the woods. They said it was just a prank. They knew the guy in the balaclava, it seems. No one was in any actual danger.
The kids told the police it was a joke, and that it wasn’t what it seemed. So, technically, nobody broke any rules. Police said the caller did the right thing by calling.
It wasn’t as bad as first reported. Police want folks to call if they see something weird. Local patrols will keep an eye on the park.