A new pedestrian crossing is coming to Anlaby, and the Village Hall zebra crossing will be upgraded to a puffin crossing.

After that, they will fix the Village Hall zebra crossing. They will change it to a puffin crossing. Work goes from March 24 to April 18. Puffin means “Pedestrian User-Friendly Intelligent crossing.”
It is a traffic light crossing. Sensors know when people cross or wait. It cancels if someone leaves after pushing the button.
To build the crossings, they must do certain things. Kerbs will be lowered, and Tactile pavers help those with sight problems. They will put up four traffic lights. Lights are on both sides of each crossing.
They will repaint the road markings. This makes room for the new crossings. The road will get a special surface. This gives better grip near the crossings.
Expect traffic control from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM. There will be lights near Kwik-Fit on Hull Road and also at Lowfield Road and Hull Road.