Derby City Council paid £71,000 in accident claims over five years, with successful payouts peaking in 2020 and 2021.

Since 2020, people made 155 claims. Claims involved potholes and bad pavements, with tree roots or ironworks also featuring as factors. Most successful claims occurred in 2020 and 2021, with the Council paying about £34,000 yearly.
The next three years saw far less money paid. The Council only paid around £3,177 total. Councils must fix road or path problems, because cracks or loose slabs can cause trips. These falls can cause lasting injuries, and injured people can sue the council.
In 2020 there were 31 claims; six settled, costing £33,967. 2021 had 37 claims, where seven settled for £34,685. 2022 saw 36 claims, but only one settled, costing £1,012. In 2023, 27 claims happened, but none settled. 2024 had 24 claims, with two settling costing £2,165.
In 2020, 11 claims were about potholes, while seven involved bad pavements. Ironworks caused seven more, and one claim was due to tree roots. Transient highway flaws caused five. In 2021, 12 claims involved potholes, and defective pavements numbered 16.
In 2022 potholes caused 10 claims, and bad pavements accounted for 17. Five claims involved ironworks, while transient defects led to four. In 2023, potholes caused six claims, while nine involved bad pavements, and eight claims involved ironworks.
Transient defects caused four claims. For 2024, one claim was for ironworks issues, and bad pavements led to thirteen claims. Three claims were about potholes, while tree roots and transient defects caused others.
Fewer claimants got money after 2021. The council said they inspect and repair roads using a risk-based system. The Council adopted a highway strategy in 2018 and backs the highway code of practice since 2016, using a risk-based approach for fixes.
By 2021, the program was working well, while less traffic during early Covid-19 helped. They fixed roads faster, and the council got extra money then. This also aided road improvements.
One claim involved property damage, and the other 154 were injury claims. A lawyer said pedestrian accidents cause injuries. They urged councils be held responsible since injured folks have medical bills and lost wages. Claims pressure councils to keep roads safe.