Twin sisters Eliza and Henrietta Huszti, who went missing in Aberdeen, died by drowning, death certificates reveal.

The sisters vanished from Aberdeen on January 7. People found their bodies in the river on January 31. The BBC says their death certificates list drowning as the only cause of death.
The sisters’ landlord reported them missing, which sparked a big search effort in Aberdeen. The sisters texted that night saying they would not return; they meant they would not return that night to their flat.
The sisters hadn’t told family about leaving right away. Police stopped river searches after three weeks. Then, they found the bodies on January 31, making the discoveries in the morning and evening.
Police investigated the sisters’ disappearance and saw no signs of crime. Following the river discoveries, officers then identified the sisters’ bodies. A police superintendent confirmed their names.
He said the bodies were Henrietta and Eliza Huszti. They recovered the bodies from the River Dee. The discovery happened on January 31.