A year after the tragic death of Jessica Rennie, 10, at an Aberdeen pool, the investigation remains active.

It was in Aberdeen. This ten-year-old girl, Jessica Rennie, drowned. It happened at the Get Active @ Northfield pool. That was on February 12, 2024. She would have turned eleven soon.
Rescuers rushed her to the hospital. Aberdeen Royal Infirmary tried to save her. Sadly, Jessica passed away the next day. The community really came together. People donated to Jessica’s family. Teachers shared kind words at Kittybrewster Primary. She went to that school.
The investigation is still happening now. The Crown Office confirmed it. They are still looking into Jessica’s death. Aberdeen City Council also investigates. They oversee the probe into the tragedy. An expert helps with pool safety. They advise on specific questions in the case.
The pool and gym shut down after it happened. They stayed closed for a while. The Crown Office shared a statement. They said they got a report about the death. The investigation remains active. Jessica’s family is kept informed.
Sport Aberdeen runs the Get Active center. They said they are thinking of Jessica’s family. They cooperate fully with authorities. The council is the health and safety regulator. They did not want to comment at this time. The investigation is ongoing, they explained.