Ex-prisoner thinks Aberdeen taxi driver George Murdoch’s death was a planned murder, not robbery.

George Murdoch was killed in September 1983 in the Cults area. Police believe a cheese wire was used, but the killer has never been found.
The former prisoner contacted Murdoch’s family, disputing the robbery theory. He believes it was not a simple robbery, thinking it was something much worse.
The ex-prisoner wants to stay anonymous, as he believes the killer is a dangerous person. The search for the killer continues after 41 years.
Police are actively investigating Murdoch’s murder. They identified 200 people who might share DNA with a sample from the scene.
The ex-prisoner says the killer meant to kill; it was not a common robbery at all. He believes the killer is sick and sadistic, and plotted the murder carefully.
He served time in Scottish prisons, where he met murderers regularly. He explained that some killed for no reason, and believes Murdoch was killed by someone similar.
The prisoner thinks the killer is on a police database, and not for something unimportant. George was found dead beside his taxi on Pitfodels Station Road.
The cheese wire was found near the body and remains a key piece of evidence. Though the killer has never been caught, it remains one of Scotland’s oldest cold cases.
The police are investigating all possibilities, including the theory that someone killed George for money. However, other evidence suggests something different.
The killer did not care about witnesses and was not worried about being seen. The killer likely knew no one recognized would recognize him and probably had no family or friends.
The killer was not a drug addict, but a “human predator.” He carried a cheese wire calmly in September 1983 because extreme violence was familiar to him.
George’s nephew, Alex McKay, leads a campaign with his wife Robina to seek justice. They still receive tips from around the world.
A £50,000 reward is offered for information that leads to a conviction. A £10,000 reward is available for matching DNA as Alex and Robina continue their search.
Alex and Robina think the killer could be from anywhere. Aberdeen’s oil industry boomed then, meaning the killer could be Scottish or foreign.
The ex-prisoner stated that he lived that life for years and met men like this, calling them dangerous animals. He also added, “The city would talk.”
Robina said the source was horrified by the crime’s violence. The prisoner understands the criminal mind very well and gained deeper insights than others.
Police are still asking for information now. Detective Inspector James Callander recently said the family deserves answers and has shown great dignity.