Police appeal for witnesses after a truck collision on the A50 left a woman with serious injuries. Incident occurred near Uttoxeter.

It happened yesterday morning. The road going east was closed for hours. Police are asking for witnesses now. The woman is in her 30s. She has bad injuries, affecting her legs, head, and shoulder.
The accident was near a McDonald’s around 7:30 in the morning. An ambulance went there fast, along with paramedics. They even called for the air ambulance too.
That part of the A50 closed until 12:25 PM. The police are looking for more info and said the truck hit a woman walking on the A50 eastbound road at 7:30 AM.
The woman’s injuries aren’t considered deadly, and medics took her to the hospital. The truck driver stayed there and has been helping the police. Do you have any video from that time, maybe from a doorbell or dashcam?
The ambulance people confirmed a truck hit a person on the A50 close to McDonald’s. They sent an ambulance and some officers, and the air ambulance also showed up.
The pedestrian was a woman who had serious injuries. They treated her, then quickly drove her to the hospital. The air ambulance team went with her to help.
If folks know something, they need to call 101 and mention incident number 82, which happened on March 3rd.