More Arrests Made After Hare Coursing and Violent Disorder Incident

More Arrests Made After Hare Coursing and Violent Disorder Incident

Four more men arrested in connection to hare coursing and violent disorder incidents across the county. More Arrests Made After Hare Coursing and Violent Disorder Incident Cops arrested four more men. It relates to violent crimes across the county. The probe started after complaints on January 25. These included hare coursing and dangerous driving. Police…

Rioter Who Threw Brick During Summer Unrest Avoids Jail Sentence

Rioter Who Threw Brick During Summer Unrest Avoids Jail Sentence

Ibrahim Mir, 21, avoids jail for violent disorder during summer riots triggered by misinformation after Southport stabbings. Rioter Who Threw Brick During Summer Unrest Avoids Jail Sentence Ibrahim Mir, age 21, was in a riot. It happened last summer across the UK. The riot followed the Southport stabbings, where three young girls died. Mir wore…

Halifax Violent Disorder Escalates: More Arrests and Charges Filed

Halifax Violent Disorder Escalates: More Arrests and Charges Filed

More arrests made and two charged after a violent disorder involving weapons in Halifax on February 5th. Halifax Violent Disorder Escalates: More Arrests and Charges Filed A fight happened in Halifax, leaving two people hospitalized with serious injuries. The fight occurred on Mile Cross Road on Wednesday, February 5. Weapons and vehicles were involved. Police…